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Manel Bernadó Arjona

Manel Bernadó is a candidate to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development, a triple master from the University of Glasgow, IBEI, and Université Libre de Bruxelles. He has been awarded with an Erasmus Mundus full-ride scholarship by the European Commission. Graduated from Law and Global Governance at ESADE, he developed his knowledge on international relations and security by focusing his thesis on NATO's projection of deterrence on the CEE region

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Digitisation In Central And Eastern EU Countries- Part 2 Short Analysis

Digitisation In Central And Eastern EU Countries- Part 2

DIGITISATION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: CYBERSECURITY CONCERNS, CORPORATE RESPONSES, AND GOVERNMENT STRATEGIES By Manel Bernadó Arjona  The Downside of Digitisation: Cybersecurity Implications The rapid increase in the use of digital tools across all strata of society requires strong, well-oriented cybersecurity measures that tackle multifaceted cyber risks. The entry…