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Serbia and China
The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on Serbia: A Delicate Balance Short Analysis

The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on Serbia: A Delicate Balance

This contribution is part of the book “The Dragon at the Gates of Europe: Chinese presence in the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe” (more info here) and has been selected for open access publication on Blue Europe website for a wider reach. Citation: Trivić, Slobodan, The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on…
Bulgaria-Serbia-Interconnector (2)
Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia: closer ties with Azerbaijan and resilient European energy markets Short Analysis

Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia: closer ties with Azerbaijan and resilient European energy markets

The Serbo-Bulgarian Gas Connector, formally known as the Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia (IBS), represents a critical infrastructural and geopolitical development in the energy sector of Southeast Europe. The inauguration of the construction works on the Bulgarian section of this gas interconnector was a significant milestone, underscoring its importance as an EU Project…
blue europe, statistics, economy, central europe, hungary, poland, Czech republic, slovakia, romania, ukraine, belarus, baltic, estonia, lithuania, lettonia, croatia
Energy in Central Europe, problems and prospects, for a common future Analysis & ResearchShort Analysis

Energy in Central Europe, problems and prospects, for a common future

Introductory text of the 2021-2024 cycle on Energy in Central Europe. Central Europe is not immune to the problems of energy management, a subject that also worries the European Parliament. The latest political move is from a few weeks ago, signed by a group of centrist and conservative MEPs. "Renewable…